From Vet Assistant to Veterinarian

Vet Med Life

Sunday, November 14, 2004

So, 2 more exams have come & pass but unfortunately I didn't do very well on one of them. Oh well, I guess it just means I have to study harded and/or differently.

I have decided to make a list of things a vet student (@ least from UIUC vet school) should've learned before graduating:

  1. Vet school professors simply throw all kinds of sh** at you and they hope some of it sticks! (Physiology)
  2. There are NO SYNAPSES in the dorsal root ganglion!!! (Neurobiology)
  3. No animal should die without being given corticosteroids for treatment! (Pharmacology)
  4. Heparin is responsible for basophil & mast cell granules staining blue! (Pathology)
  5. Its alright to be formicating with fellow vet students or professors in a barn! (Parasitology)
  6. Lice is the plural form of louse. (Parasitology)
  7. Layers of the adrenal glands & what they secrete: GFR=SSS..."the deeper you go the better it gets." [Zona glomerulosa --> mineralocorticoids (i.e. salt); Zona fasiculata --> glucocorticoids (i.e. sugar); Zona reticularis --> sex steroids]

I'll be adding to this list as the years go by. If you have any to add let me know.


  • At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    UPdate this thing already!

  • At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    UPdate this thing already!


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